Downloadable Resources
OFFICE HOURS: Monday – Thursday: 8:00am to 5:00pm • Friday: 8:00am to 3:00pm
Downloadable Resources
The Health Center at Auraria has a variety of print resources available to students, faculty and staff on the Auraria Campus. Below is a list of available material that can be downloaded and used, as needed. If you are a student, faculty or staff interested in hard copies to distribute to your organization, office and/or department please contact us through an online inquiry or by phone at 303-615-9999.
Downloadable Resources
Auraria Immunization Guide
Supporting documentation to submit to the Health Center at Auraria’s Immunization Office in conjunction with vaccing/immunization history.
Guía de Inmunización de Auraria
Documentación de respaldo para enviar al Centro de Salud en la Oficina de Vacunación de Auraria junto con el historial de vacunas/vacunas.
Auraria Campus Medical Services: Health Counseling & Safety Resources
The Health Center at Auraria’s most comprehensive booklet that gives an overview of CCD, MSU Denver, CU Denver and Health Center at Auraria-specific resources. Please contact the Health Center at Auraria for a printed copy of the brochure or view the brochure online on our Services webpage.
Comprehensive Medical Services
A brief description of services provided at the Health Center, including insurance and payment options.
Servicios Médicos Integrales
Una breve descripción de los servicios prestados en el Centro de Salud, incluidos los seguros y las opciones de pago.
Dental & Vision Resources
Information on discounted Dental and Vision coverage as well as community resources.
Medical Services & Resources for Faculty & Staff
A concise summary of clinical and no-charge services available, specifically, to faculty and staff on the Auraria Campus.
MSU Denver Student Health Insurance Guide
A description of exclusive student benefits and compliance options related to the MSU Denver Student Health Insurance Plan (SHIP).
No Charge Services: Health & Wellness
An informational describing clinical services, outreach programs and wellbeing initiatives that are available to all students, faculty and staff at no charge.
Transgender & Gender Expansive Healthcare
Highlighting the Health Center at Auraria’s Transgender and Gender Expansive medical and psychiatric care services.
CCD Mental Health Services Brochure
A resource for mental health and crisis services for CCD students.
CU Mental Health Services Brochure
A resource for mental health and crisis services for CU students.
MSU Denver Mental Health Services Brochure
A resource for mental health and crisis services for MSU Denver students.

Schedule an appointment
Please note there is a failed appointment fee of up to $50.00 for missed appointments or short notice cancellations (less than 24 hours).