Special Coverages
OFFICE HOURS: Monday – Thursday: 8:00am to 5:00pm • Friday: 8:00am to 3:00pm
Special Coverages
There are unique situations when a student will not qualify for automatic SHIP enrollment. Below are three categories of special coverages explained – Graduate, Graduating, and Summer – and how MSU Denver students can voluntarily opt-in to the Student Health Insurance Plan SHIP when an enrollment application is submitted by the posted enrollment deadline.
A student who has recently experienced a loss of coverage, and are currently registered for 9 credit hours (6-8 for Graduate students), should inquire about SHIP health coverage by contacting the Student Insurance Office for more information.
Graduate Students
Graduate Students taking 6-8 credits in the Fall or Spring semesters (6 or more in the Summer) can voluntarily opt-in to SHIP by completing the Graduate Student Enrollment Form and submitting it securely through SHIP Special Coverage Completed Forms Submission Link by the opt-in deadline shown on Coverage Dates, Premiums & Deadlines. Graduate students registered for 9 or more credits in Fall or Spring are automatically enrolled and do not need to complete an enrollment form.
Graduating Students
Undergraduate students taking less than 9 credit hours in their final semester prior to graduation, can enroll in SHIP by completing the Graduating Student Enrollment Form and submitting it securely through SHIP Special Coverage Completed Forms Submission Link by the opt-in deadline shown on Coverage Dates, Premiums & Deadlines.
In addition, written documentation is required by the student’s academic advisor stating the student has less than 9 credit hours to graduate and will graduate at the end of the enrolled semester, is required!
The Graduating enrollment form and academic advisor letter (or copy of an email from your academic advisor) must be submitted together.
Summer Semester Coverage
Tip: If you are enrolled in Spring Semester SHIP, the spring coverage automatically includes Summer coverage!
Spring semester includes a total of 7 months of coverage, which includes the summer months. Student enrolled in Spring SHIP coverage cannot drop summer coverage.
Optional summer semester health insurance coverage is available to incoming Undergraduate students who register for 9 or more Summer credits and to Graduate students who register for 6 or more credits by the Summer opt-in deadline. There is no automatic enrollment in Summer semester coverage, it’s voluntary and requires you to complete a Summer Enrollment Form and submit is securely through SHIP Special Coverage Completed Forms Submission Link by the opt-in deadline shown on Coverage Dates, Premiums & Deadlines.
Please note that the summer semester premium for health coverage cannot be billed to tuition, but instead payment information will be required on the application enrollment form.

Schedule an appointment
Please note there is a failed appointment fee of up to $50.00 for missed appointments or short notice cancellations (less than 24 hours).