Academic Vital Signs

OFFICE HOURS: Monday – Thursday: 8:00am to 5:00pm Friday: 8:00am to 3:00pm

Academic Vital Signs

Embedded within each appointment is a well check on academic assessment, a program called Academic Vital Signs. If a student expresses academic concerns, they will meet with the Health Center at Auraria’s Academic Referral Coordinator to determine the most appropriate campus resource based on the student’s need. 

As a student the sooner an academic concern is addressed the more support you can get. If you know you may need additional support for an academic concern, reaching out to the appropriate office or person is helpful.

Below is an overview of available campus resources for Academic Assistance:

Faculty Member: Discuss additional needs for your class with the professor.
Department: Reach out to the department for additional guidance and recommendations.
Advising: Meet with an advisor to discuss your academic progress.
Tutoring Services: Schedule an appointment with a tutor for additional academic support.
Access Center: If accommodations are needed, contact your school’s Access Center
CARE Team: You can self-refer to the CARE Team if you need additional academic support.

If you need assistance in this process, you can contact the Health Center at Auraria and ask to speak with the Academic Referral Coordinator.

Academic Resources

CCD Resources

Academic Advising 
Meet with an advisor to get information and resources that can assist you academically, professionally, and personally.
Confluence 123 | 303-556-2481

Accessibility Center 
Provides services to students with documented disabilities who need reasonable accommodations to access their courses.
Confluence 121 | 303-556-3300

CARE Team 
Assesses individuals-of-concern, ensures that each student has the best support possible, and connects individuals-of-concern to resources as necessary.
Tivoli 243 | 303-352-3205

Excel! Zone 
Provides learning resources that support students’ academic success, learning development, and engagement to enhance personal and professional growth.
Confluence 4th Floor | 303-352-6497

MSU Denver Resources

Academic Advising 
Empowers students to define and navigate their paths toward achieving their educational, career, and life goals.
Jordan Student Success 170 | 303 615-2025

Access Center 
Ensures qualified students with disabilities have equal access to University programs, services, and activities.
Plaza 122 | 303-615-0200

CARE Team 
Provides a way for community members to report a student who in engaging in concerning behavior or is need of additional support related to life circumstances.
Tivoli 311 | 303-615-0220

Student Care Center
The Student Care Center provides holistic, non-clinical case management support to MSU Denver Students who are facing challenging life circumstances.
Tivoli 343 | 303-615-0006

Tutoring Center 
Tutors help students navigate coursework effectively by providing clarifications, discussions, study strategies and resources to help them excel in each course.
Jordan Student Success 220 | 303-615-1919

CU Denver Resources

Academic Advising
Provides ongoing, collaborative partnerships designed to help students learn, develop, and grow academically, personally, and professionally.
Student Commons 1113 | 303-315-1940

CARE Team 
Proactively and collaboratively manages situations and individuals that pose, or may reasonably pose, a threat to the safety and well-being of the campus community.

Disability Resources and Services
Maintains disability-related records, determines eligibility, and develops plans to provide academic accommodations for students.
Student Commons 2116 | 303-315-3510

Tutors help students navigate coursework effectively by providing clarifications, discussions, study strategies, and resources to help them excel in each course.
Student Commons 2105 | 303-315-3531

Schedule an appointment

Call 303-615-9999 to schedule an appointment in advance

Please note there is a failed appointment fee of up to $50.00 for missed appointments or short notice cancellations (less than 24 hours).